Sunday, October 27, 2013

ACICIS tentang tenun songke Manggarai

Menemukan link ini tentang kain songke di Manggarai, mungkin terlihat biasa bagi teman-teman tapi bagi saya makalah ini sangat menarik dengan beberapa alasan berikut ini
1. Membahas tentang tenun songke di Manggarai
2. Manggarai adalah tanah kelahiran mama
3. Ditulis oleh salah satu anak Acicis dalam bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar
4. Saya punya banyak sekali teman dari ACICIS dan saya sekali menjadi relawan pendamping bagi teman2 ACICIS
5. Selama ini teman2 ACICIS banyak melakukan studi lapangan hanya di universitas2 atau daerah2 di Jawa dan jarang yang saya temukan melakukan di NTT
6. NTT tanah kelahiran saya
7. Yang sangat menarik adalah sistem penulisan yang dilakukan adalah sistem penulisan makalah yang banyak dipakai di universitas2 di Indonesia

Thursday, October 24, 2013


here is I gave you a favorite capture that I took from her pinterest

I bet you know this insane web, I think this web is really brilliant, I love pinterest so much giving me so much idea about stuff. I have been pinning a lot but not many of my stuff got pinned or repinned by others, but my record was fall outfit, I got about 20 pinned and repine, woohoo.....!!! always excited when I got notice that someone pinned from my board or following me.
Yesterday even better, I had a pic of myself and friend that I pin as Indonesian girls and one gal repinned that pic of us into her board call "" woohoo....well I like that so much got notice that I am one of that beautiful face one hahahhaha but as you know camera and photo sometimes lied to you, it won't showed to you what is real hahhahaha. The board "beautiful faces" is about all the beautiful female faces from all over the world. Anyway here is the link of the board that I am talking about, really interesting one, I like her choice. Anyway i tried to put that icon "PIN" in my blog pictures but I haven't figure it out yet how to do that, if any of you has idea how please help me, I found one but seems too complicated to me to do it, it didn't work :(
Happy pinning guys and enjoy being addict to pinterest


my favorite spot after decoration
Halloween is coming, I have been prepared decoration from last week, start from searching for bat shape in internet, this one actually came with yellow eyes, but i think will be a hazel to add tiny eyes on tons of bats not to mention to copying it manually and cutting. All the skulls and spiderweb we got from dollar store and thrift store last year.

already looks creapy just by spreaded on the carpet

I bought some black crafty sheets from dollar store only 65 cents/sheet, the 1st sheet went to friend's kids who visited us right after we bought from dollar store, she was happy spent time in our house doing some crafty and brought home about 15 bats for her own halloween decoration. Take a week for me to finish 3x21 bats, well actually it is fast but with all the domestic work plus lazy kinda make me had some lack. Since yesterday everything is set up, I tag bat with double tape, which is I am really surprise with the price almost 5$, remind me when I am back to Indo to bring some double tape from there. Here is our house now with halloween decoration, seems like our neighbor enjoying it. Oh we don't buy any pumpkin the tiny one we have is belong to friend who left for us plus who is gonna finish  the big pumpkin, there are only both of us at home.