Thursday, January 13, 2011

weird movie i have seen, sad and mad blended as my feeling n have nothing to say for that

Movie Review: 'Buddha Collapsed out of Shame'

A look into post-Taliban Afghanistan through the eyes of a child

By Lidia Louk
Epoch Times New York Staff
Sep 25, 2007

Buddha Collapsed out of Shame,
Baktay (Nikbakht Noruz) wanders in front of the site of the enormous Buddha statues that once graced Afghanistan before the statues were destroyed with dynamite by the Taliban in 2001. (">
In the film Buddha Collapsed out of Shame, Baktay (Nikbakht Noruz) wanders in front of the site of the enormous Buddha statues that once graced Afghanistan before the statues were destroyed with dynamite by the Taliban in 2001. (

The instantly memorable movie title Buddha Collapsed out of Shame directed by Hana Makhmalbaf comes from an observation by her father, renowned Iranian film director Mohsen Makhmalbaf. "Even a statue can be ashamed of witnessing all this violence and harshness happening to these innocent people and, therefore, collapse."
Buddha Collapsed is Hana Makhmalbaf's first feature film. Her first short film was screened at the Locarno Film Festival (Ticino, Switzerland) when she was only eight years old.
Buddha Collapsed is set in Bamian, a small historic town in Afganistan ravaged by the Taliban's bloody rule. The violence has led to a complete destruction of precious historical and cultural relics, including the dynamiting of two priceless Buddha statues each over 100 feet tall that were carved into the Bamian cliffs 2,000 years ago. The tragic emptiness of the cliff openings' void where the statues used to preside serves as a backdrop for the most climactic and violent scenes of the film.
The story is a reflection of war and the seemingly unbreakable cycle of violence in children. Baktay (Nikbakht Noruz)—the main character, is a little girl in Bamian, who is obstinately trying to go to a recently opened girls' school across the river. In the process, she has to overcome her own family's poverty, her mother's indifference, and finally face ruthless boys who take her as a victim when playing a war game. The little girl's long and arduous journey provides numerous cultural references to modern day Afghanistan, and its attempt to return to normalcy following the Taliban's rule; including poverty, illiteracy, the need for reconciliation and reintegration in society.
Since the cute little Baktay serves as the narrative guide on this journey, it is very easy for the viewers to empathize with her aspirations and disappointments, despite the very basic dialogue. The purity of the child and her struggles illustrate the very core of Afghanistan's problems and challenges, as the audience experiences first-hand the ruthlessness of the Taliban via the boys' war game.
Very common for Makhmalbaf, is the neo-realist style of filmmaking, with simple and naturalistic portrayal of events, handheld cameras and non-actors in leading roles. However, the main story is told symbolically through the specific surroundings, the games characters play, the clothes they wear—all of these, plus the music, accentuating the climactic moments of the film, guide us on this colorful but devastating journey to the Middle East.

4 manfaat lemon

Empat Manfaat Lemon Untuk KecantikanSelasa, 11 Januari 2011 08:51 WIB Orang bilang untuk tampil cantik itu perlu pengorbanan. Hal ini benar adanya, namun pengorbanan yang dilakukan ternyata tak harus mahal. Seringkali bahan-bahan yang biasa kita buang justru bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membuat kulit lebih cantik.Salah satunya adalah kulit lemon. Ingin tahu khasiat cantik apa saja yang ada di balik kulit lemon? Yuk kita simak bersama ulasan berikut ini.

1. Menyamarkan noda hitamTak perlu membeli krim yang mahal hanya untuk menyembunyikan noda hitam pada wajah, Anda tinggal memanfaatkan kulit lemon. Potong-potong kulit lemon, lalu letakkan di area ternoda, diamkan 1 jam. Noda pun tak kelihatan lagi....

2. Melembutkan siku keringSiku berwarna gelap memang tampak tidak menarik, belum lagi jika ditambah dengan tekstur kulitnya yang ternyata juga kasar dan pecah-pecah. Mengatasi keadaan tersebut, Anda bisa memanfaatkan setengah bagian lemon (taburi dengan sedikit
baking soda), lalu letakkan siku di atas lemon dan tekan. 'Peras' sarinya dengan menggunakan siku selama beberapa menit. Cuci siku dan keringkan.

3. Untuk wajah, amankah?Jangan khawatir, kulit lemon aman juga untuk wajah. Gosokkan perlahan pada kulit sekitar wajah sebagai tonic, lalu bilas. Hati-hati untuk area sekitar mata karena jika terkena mata, kulit lemon bisa menimbulkan rasa perih.

4. Scrub yukKulit lemon juga bisa dibuat scrub. Caranya? Campur 150 gram gula dengan kulit lemon yang dicincang halus, tambahkan minyak zaitun secukupnya hingga adonan berbentuk mirip pasta. Basahi tubuh, lalu oleskan scrub ke seluruh tubuh, pijat sebentar, bilas, dan kulit pun jadi lebih lembut dan bersih. Mudah bukan?

never going to acicis desk to be volounteer :) *malas

Dear Madam
I am Caroline Ariesty P. Kumanireng mostly people call me Yesti, I am friendly, easy going, hard working, dedicated, and kwon many things about Indonesian culture. Well I know that I am graduated from Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta and have only minimum knowledge about Gadjah Mada University as university where ACICIS has program in Yogyakarta. Although I still believe that I can learn many things about Gadjah Mada University fast as product knowledge to introducing it to ACICIS further students and otherwise the ACICIS students comes to Yogyakarta – Indonesia not only to learn about Gadjah Mada University but more about Indonesian culture especially about Yogyakarta which is Gadjah Mada is their mediator to learn it, and for Indonesian culture I qualified enough. I am from Nusa Tenggara Timur and sure more than know about Nusa Tenggara Timur culture which is I am sure not enough people from Nusa Tenggara Timur has opportunity to worked for ACICIS program introducing Nusa Tenggara Timur culture and areas likes Timor, Sumba, Flores, Alor and Rote.
It has been likes 5 years I am interacted with many foreigners and 3 years with ACICIS students and it’s always fun to know them n their culture n their thought about Indonesia because its like giving me vision how’s world perspective about us and it is good so we know how suppose to react, act, and respond to the world to make this nation better. Many issue all over around the world about Indonesia good or bad. If it’s good it will be nice n will be good for nation in many ways but if it’s bad than sometimes really hard being nice to foreigners who thinks bad because got bad issue, hard to be nice to people who look down on you, who think negative about you, who make a bad statement about you, who said bad thinks about you, who underestimate on you, and its like you taking guess which one 1st between egg n chicken. Because it’s about action and reaction and you never know whose start it. In my experience it’s always working to explain to whether foreigners whether Indonesians about each culture, point of view, value of life and many thing to avoid misunderstood between foreigners and Indonesian. Than to understand them I need to interact with them, so someway and somehow I can reduce conflict between foreigners and us as Indonesians.
That’s always reasons for me want to know foreigners and since we are super close to Australia so we do really need to know n understand their way so we can giving them positive reaction for any action they make. Other reason is fixing my grammar I need to learn grammar and I am kind a person who can learn faster with practice than take a class.
sincerely - yesti